Penile Inversion Survivor


Yuck. This is Brandi Marie Parker, responding at The Advocate

Breaking this comment down:

“Ah excuse me I’m not transgender but a…[transsexual woman].”

Why the distinction? Because many transsexual’s hides are perpetually chapped by being lumped together with drag queens, female impersonators, and fetishistic cross dressers, under the unfortunate umbrella term “transgender”. By identifying as a transsexual woman (as opposed to a transgendered woman), Brandi is communicating: “Do not confuse me and my identity and my issues with men who identify as men who play dress-ups for fun, sex or profit.”

“I’m a women, a Post-Op Transsexual Women”

Why specify “post-op”? So that you the reader know full-well that Brandi does not have a penis anymore. This also helps clear up any confusion surrounding dudes with dicks in drag wanting access to women’s spaces. Those people are TGs, and Brandi is not one of them!

“My pussy as pink as any genetic female and works just as well.”

This is delusional. Not the pink part, but the “works just as well” part. I invite you to look up anatomical drawings of vaginas and neovaginas.

A vagina is a complex of muscles which serves as a passageway via the cervix from the uterus for birthing children, which also allows the passage of discharges due to menstruation. A neovagina is a surgically-created pelvic socket lined with an inside-out skin graft made from a penis. It’s sole purpose is to receive a dick, dildo, dilator, or digit (while its owner basks in the identity validation that accompanies penetration).

As a frak-socket, a neovagina is a pale imitation of a biological vagina. Lacking the banded musculature, a neovagina can not expand as easily as the real thing. Lacking a connection to a uterus, a neovagina has nothing to do with reproduction. While depending on the technique used, some neovaginas have lubrication, the source of the fluid is not the same for transwomen as it is would be for a natal woman.

A normal female vagina’s lubrication comes from plasma seepage through the vaginal wall due to vascular engorgement. Additional lubrication can come from the Bartholin’s glands, a specific pair of sub-dermal organs which releases fluid along the Bartholin’s duct, which secrete onto the surface of the labia minora.

For transwomen, lubrication can come from a piece of colon, grafted to the vaginal vault. Lubrication can come from penile mucosa grafted to artificial labia minora. Or it can come directly from the urethra, by way of the prostate. A post-op transwoman can never have a Bartholin’s cyst. At least not until SRS surgeons figure out how to grow and install Bartholin’s glands and ducts.

The way this comment comes across to me is: Brandi Marie Parker self-identifying as a penile-inversion survivor. Brandi explains that her birth certificate states female, not trans female, but earlier stated she was a post-op transsexual. Which is it? Are you a woman, or are you a post-op transsexual woman? By being out and visible (posting these kinds of comments), you are representing transwomen.

Brandi Marie, nobody cares about your surgically-created vagina. Your tactless, anatomically clueless comment makes you look unhinged, and reflects badly on us all. Please stop transsactivisting for me. Actually, stop commenting on all online articles about trans. It’s embarrassing to read you.

Neo Vagina: I have all the same parts and work just like a genetic female’s vagina. Plus I am pink. And moist.

Biological Vagina: I am built to allow the passage of a baby. You’re just a dead end. A cul-de-sac. Your only purpose is to be penetrated in order to simulate the experience of PIV for your owner.

Neo Vagina: I don’t even…. Transphobia much? Please diaf and check your privilege. Also, you need to educate yourself!



About plasticgirl

Just another Six
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47 Responses to Penile Inversion Survivor

  1. I was amused when I saw this, because I have encountered Brandi on the Advocate before…the transactivisting (love this word, I will start using it more often now!) of female identity to be identical to that of transsexual women (even though, of course, it is still possible to be proud of being trans AND proud of ‘always having been a woman’ – not sure how this works) is not only embarrassing for transsexual people, but extremely damaging to those who are trying to decide if, and most importantly, HOW to transition. Reading gender-critical blogs and the writings of radical feminists (and especially of gender-critical transsexuals) has caused me to re-evaluate the whole SRS thing. If I imagine having a fancy new vagina, then yeah, of course I am going to jump on the SRS bandwagon. I desperately wanna have a vagina – it’s that simple, right?

    However, if I instead regard it as the surgically-fashioned receptacle that it is, I am no longer that interested. Especially being someone who isn’t particularly interested in being penetrated by anyone or anything…and the idea of being FORCED to ‘dilate’ (such a fancy word for inserting a dildo into oneself) for the rest of my life makes me uncomfortable. It’s almost like, by turning my penis inside-out, I would then have to pay WAY more attention to the damned thing than I do now.

    As for the usage of ‘transsexual’ versus ‘transgender,’ I personally do draw a distinction, just not in the “Ew, I’m not transGENDER” way that Brandi obviously does. For me, I think the term transgender itself is entirely problematic, for reasons which I am sure you have encountered before and which I probably do need to discuss in detail (butch lesbians, metrosexuals, etc. are technically transgender but are not considered ‘real’ transgenders, why?). My perspective hinges more upon transsexualism as a socio-medical condition of sorts, akin to the statement by Dworkin that we exist in a “state of primary urgency.” Not everybody suffers dysphoria that necessitates access to medical interventions which will radically alter their bodies – this is often termed transgender, but as mentioned above, is not inclusive of all the people it supposedly defines, and instead its lines are drawn arbitrarily. As someone who grew up surrounded by mental illness and who is themselves understanding of the power of science, I reject the term transgender and accept the term transsexual as a descriptor for a poorly-understood condition which requires therapeutic and sometimes pharmaceutical and surgical interventions in order to manage.

    I have argued with Brandi in the past. Her perspective most certainly does NOT view transsexualism as a mental or medical disorder. Her views, unfortunately, are self-contradictory.

    Love your blog! 🙂

    • plasticgirl says:

      Hello first time commenter! Welcome to the Plastic Girl. Your comment is dense with all the issues I try to discuss here and you’ve obviously developed your own nuanced perspective of all this by what you have shared. As you’ve noted, all of trans-politics is rife with contradictory viewpoints. For instance, if you are trans, a mtf, and you believe that you are a female and have always been a woman, what are you transitioning for? Right? What are you correcting here? Your hormones? Your secondary sex characteristics? Your genitals? Your gender-performance? And if you need to transition to be able to manifest this inner female with hormones and surgeries, what does that say about what you were before your transition? Totally self-contradicting.

      Speaking solely for myself, I wanted the techno-vagina because it was part of my dream of becoming, and because I enjoy PIV. You like what you like, right? Of course, when you look at the surgery as creating a pocket for men to play around in, a pocket that you have to maintain by spending hours laying in bed with a stent (how first world privileged is that) it takes the “magic” away from the “fancy new” aspect of it. It’s like, ew, you’re a condom now. A $20,000 condom. Nice going. fwiw, you spend less time dilating as the years go by. The first year post-op was everything I imagined. Laying around for hours watching Lord of the Rings while dilating. Not privileged at all! But now as something going on eight or nine years post op, and having taken a break from the PIV scene, I only dilate like, once a month to once every six weeks. It doesn’t close up fast once its been trained, and it’s nice to not be leashed to a three-times-a-day schedule like I had my first year. Anyway, yeah rambling now, but it gets better. lol. It’s still one heck of a privilege – that I have to maintain my medical socket – and that if I didn’t, it would eventually shorten up. If only I had been born ten years later, I might have gotten one of the latest models.

      As for transsexual vs transgender, allow me to go my own way here for a moment. I will take words sometimes and redefine them to suit my purposes. One way you can define transgender is simply transing from the socialized performance of “man” to that of culturally perceived “woman”. I think anybody can do that in a superficial way, in five seconds. Anyone can become transgendered if they can act convincingly. From that perspective, I would say I was transgender before I became transsexed. On the other hand, what transgender is becoming is a kind of third race of being. Kind of like Thai ladyboys and Indian Hijra. Right? Apparently, from what I’ve been reading, my kind of transsexual is now outmoded – we’re “truscum” or something? For performing the gender binary and for wanting medical intervention? These new models don’t even transition now. They just declare themselves women and demand respect as such on the spot for their new-found identity. It’s so strange. But I think the internet contributes to that. Of course there is the socio-medical angle. Wow, people can have sex changes? Sign me up! I hate being a guy! And then they get buyers remorse because they transitioned without doing the ontological work first, and they realize too late that nothing changes after surgery, except all the new self-care maintenance you are pretty much forced to do.

      For me the biggest indication of the sickness of trans theory is how the definition or the etiology always changes to suit the needs of the narrative. Mental disorder. No. Genetic condition. No wait, it’s a biological medical condition. With no proof. Oh hey did you see this MRI scan? Yea, it means gender is in the brain. But it happened in the womb actually. We can not make up our minds, but we will go with whatever story works at getting those HRT and SRS letters, regardless of how insane or ludicrous it sounds. Science made the transsexual woman, which is something I happen to agree with Jeffreys and Raymond.

      You have some very interesting posts on your blog, and I looking forward to reading more of you. Thanks for commenting! 🙂

    • plasticgirl says:

      My first reply was getting long enough as it is but I wanted to add, if you get a chance or you feel inclined perhaps you would share some of your interactions with Brandi. I am probably not as familiar with her perspective as you may be and from what I’ve read she scans as a dyed-in-the-wool HBSer and “true transsexual”. I am curious as to what her narrative is if she doesn’t buy into a medical or mental disorder. She had to tell her therapists something, and she loves to brag about how she went through the entire HBSOC dog-and-pony show like a “proper” transsexual woman is “supposed” to do.

      Brandi is actually the kind of transwoman I came to truly dislike when I came out to the trans community in 2000. Brandi Marie may as well have copy-pasted her whole Harry Benjamin adoration spiel directly from our ancient BBSes and forums, because I had seen her kind before, just not her specifically. She is pretty young to carry the HBSOC torch compared to the mostly mid-life transitioners I met who were just as proud as Ms. Parker seems to be, for all the hundreds of hours of therapy, the precise transition time-tables, the permission slips, and overall paint-by-numbers formula of how transition is supposed to play out as “treatment”.

  2. Wow so I thought I wasn’t into the neovagina, but after you describing how long the stint has to be left in there and how often…just, wow. Definitely not worth it for me. Orchiectomy, definitely. Those testy little guys constantly demand I adjust myself for their benefit! Ugh! And having to take a much lower dose of blood-clotty estrogens and fainty spiro will be nice. I will never be able to pass in a locker room, but honestly, my politics make that action undesirable and unethical to me…well, except in an emergency or something. Just not on a regular basis, and certainly not from a standpoint of ‘I am entitled to be in there.’

    Yes, people like us are called ‘truscum,’ though this is a term that I apply to myself in a half-hearted attempt at irony, but mostly because it conveys how I view trans identity quite succinctly. If someone is not transitioning physically, what is the point of calling oneself transgender? Butch lesbians never needed such a designation, and those who impersonated men actually CALLED themselves ‘male impersonators.’ And few people perfectly express some stereotypical perfect gender identity, so everyone is ‘a little’ transgender based on common definitions. I don’t like that. It means there is something very wrong with the definition itself, because it has no practical application.

    See, the motivation is the kicker for me, the differentiation between someone who transitions (or just ‘identifies’ as the opposite biological sex) for reasons unrelated to physical dysphoria, and those who transition because of the ‘wrong body’ feeling, what I prefer to call ‘sex dysphoria’ because ‘gender dysphoria’ is problematic. The idea that someone who says, “I don’t like my gender role, I want to behave in a different way” is either suspected of, or presumed to be, transgender, and can then obtain access to risky medical interventions as a result of this ‘gender dysphoria’ is a very dangerous concept – as I outlined in my page ‘science fiction.’

    Basically my whole family has mental illness so I am pretty comfortable with it as an identity. Certainly there is no proof as to WHAT transsexualism is, and we both agree this is important to realize – otherwise, how can progress be made in understanding us and why we suffer? The best way I describe it to myself is as some type of existential crisis. This is vague enough to be accurate, because such a crisis can involve mental aspects, physical aspects (of course, the mental IS the physical – so hard to get away from that mind/body duality) environmental aspects (like me being exposed to mercury as a child and being a third-gen diethylstilbestrol child) and socio-cultural aspects.

    What I do know, and what we both agree upon, is that the current political environment of trans activism prevents real progress being made on the science of transsexualism. For example – the Man Who Would be Queen by Michael Bailey, and the ridiculous harassment he received for publishing this book. Yeah, that’s gonna make a number of scientists say, “hmm…well, I was interested in transsexualism, but maybe I’ll just study the effects of vitamin A on cellular differentiation…seems safer.”

    • plasticgirl says:

      Forgive me for not replying sooner. Yesterday involved a marathon of comments with ramendik in the Janice Raymond post, and that took some of my time.

      I am very sorry that you had heavy metal exposure as a child. What a great head-start to life. Not.

      Diethylstilbestrol children I had of heard of before but I wanted to refresh my memory by taking the time to look it up before getting back to you. We do have some sisterhood going on. Apart from the trans-stuff. Our identities or our bodies, our selves, have been influenced by the pharmaco-industrial system. We are children of the chemical age.

      Did you ever see the movie Scanners? If so, do you remember Ephemerol? It was given to pregnant women and made their children telepathic. It was also used as treatment for the hearing of voices from uncontrolled telepathy.

      And I totally agree with regards to trans activists trying to sabotage research into transsexulism. Well, at least against research that is trying to prove something the trans community is uncomfortable acknowledging. It’s all about supporting the politically correct research, like (so-called) male-brain or female-brain sex studies.

    • plasticgirl says:

      proud of yourself? that was a waste wasnt it? that entire blog. purposeless. you think youre the master? watch this

  3. Yes, that is scary that many people will fall into the “this is the transsexual pathway, this is the only course of treatment, otherwise I’m not a real transsexual” mentality. I first rebelled against that mentality, then almost accepted it (at the height of my trans activist stage) and then rebelled MOSTLY against it, in favor of trying to figure out the minimum amount of medical interventions to make me comfortable with my own physiology and biochemistry (the latter being of greatest importance, actually, and one which is usually the least emphasized). My interactions with her on the Advocate via FB have not been many, as I usually try to avoid her since she is incapable of putting together a grammatically correct sentence, ever. Or posing a valid argument. It really is like arguing with a wall, a wall which believes steadfastly in whatever she happens to be saying at the time, and will simply ignore any discrepancies if you point them out by falling back on statements like, “if it looks like a terf and acts like a terf chances are it is a terf” or some such. The sad thing is, the other trans activists I sometimes debate eventually use the same tactics, and ultimately act like clones of Brandi, just with better punctuation and grammar.

    • plasticgirl says:

      You called that perfectly with regards to clones of Brandi with better grammar. It seems like I can hardly make headway on twitter with any transwomen on the topic of what it really means to be trans or the nature of gender without the usual arguementum ad Serano followed by being labeled a terf, then blocked…

  4. Recently i thoug about the term transgender and transexual, i wonder, maybe the transgenders dont want be label as transexual because “post op transexual” like to say what only a person that want the full transition (going to SRS) is a transexual, and not all want to go trough that surgery for a lot of reasons (after suffer in my breast surgery i am not to much entusiastic to any other surgery). And if you dont show a desesperate need to fix your genitals you dont qualify as transexual (to that people at least). So this can be a reason to the transgender word.
    But…at the end i thoug we all are transexual, i mean, we all want the same even when we dont use that word. We want change our Sex! …of course..that is imposibly, you cant change your sex, but i mean, what define transexual after all is not if you Got the sex change, what define you is the wish of change sex, the fact that if you got the chance to make a magic wish that make you become female probably would take it.
    But in this point we realice what gender is a social construct and can be changed, so a transgender person…is a reality, always while gender exist and maybe for that reason some people like more this word. This is the trikery point.
    I am maybe babbling a bit at a intelectual level, i am just writing this as i though about this (and translating my thoug from spanish to english the best i can :P)

    • plasticgirl says:

      You did wonderfully and I totally agree. We can’t really change our sex but we will take the opportunity to try to get as close as we can because of the chance to make the magic wish. 🙂

  5. plasticgirl says:

    For those that don’t know what the condition of HBS entails, I thought I’d share with you, my personal definition from doing some research on the condition.

    From my Terminology page:

    HBS – Harry Benjamin Syndrome: a mental disorder common to some types of male-to-constructed-females that presents as a desperate need to acquire a neovagina within 720 days of starting transition. Failure to get proper treatment within a timely fashion usually precedes suicide gestures or threats of impending attempts at suicide. The only known cure is sex reassignment surgery. The surgery is in fact the litmus test for this birth defect. A true HBS transwoman will finally feel like a real woman only after her first dilation.

    • plasticgirl says:

      and if i havent already made it abundently, profoundly, and enthusiastically clear…

      i ❤ ❤ ❤ being post op. i could not be happier unless i had one of those bio-scaffold-grown vaginas and 3d printed ovaries to with them.

      just the same, i thank the Goddess every day for my neuromanced wetware that allows me to have whole body orgasms, from my head to my toes, using just the tip of one finger.

      assuming i dont fall asleep after thirty to forty minutes of slowly warming up.

      i probably have more pleasure soloing my hyper-sensate parts than most folks can even imagine in couples or drug-fueled sex parties. there are advantages to having a neural self map that makes me feel like i have a million nerve endings stretching out even past my alloy endoskeleton and polymer casing

      • slightly terfy says:

        why are you so logically inconsistent, Plastic Girl? literally on the same page you talk about how neovaginas are useless dead end streets that resemble vaginas in no way whatesoever, but you also talk about how much you love your post op pussy.

        • plasticgirl says:

          im an in-constant woman.

          its written into my design specs. im just a “big ol psyc-o”.

          its not my fault these srs dudes literally cull your sack to decorate your outerparts and to extend and terminate the inverted penile socket.

          i just grew my neural fibers where i felt they should be. i literally in-vision my micro-structures to morphose into appropriate simulcra and intentionally emit bursts of code charged with my design innovations.


          a pelvis that is always happy.

          its very energetically cleansing to orgasm like i do.

          in all humility i could probably show some women a thing or two about tuning into your wetware to achieve a sensate and sensual state of systemic sex-energy propagation that can slip you into sub-space and gently hold you there.

          neuro-plastiks ftw 🙂

  6. plasticgirl says:

    Incidentally, this post is nearing the most-viewed of all time on this blog. Originally, my “One TW View on Michfest” was the top post. That was usurped by the “Allure” post. But this one is slotted to eventually become the most widely-read.

    Another thing I notice… How very few trans women or TGs come to square off with me on my topics. It should be pretty obvious that:

    1. It is far, far too late to win me back over to Club Trans and furthermore,
    2. Not only are none of the top public trans activists qualified to activist or advocate for me, their gender-ideology that transition is based on, is totally bullshit to me, and further,
    3. By virtue of trans trying to force inclusion and acceptance instead of using charm, persuasion or argument from lived experience, I find that i am on opposite sides of their agen-dur.

    Do you folks honestly think that I would seek out Brandi Marie, or Parker Marie or Christian Williams as my go-to gf, my BFF, my confidant when I need to talk about doods and their doodliness? Do you think I want Brandi Marie or Parker Malloy or christin Williams or Natalie Reed or Sophia Blanks or Case-of-beer to answer the phone and counsel me if I was raped? Do you think I would be comfortable going out drinking with them, or having them in my pee-space?

    No thanks!

    Ps. My definitive list of trans women whom I would never want as rape counselors also includes, June Day, Brenda, Char the Butcher, Toby Meyer, Annie, “dangerously big sack” Danger, and most definitely not Julia “cocky” Serrano or Fallon “I have no advantage” Fox

    I don’t get sensitive-girl vibes from any of them.

    Maybe, just maybe Suzan Cooke or Calpernia might possibly be exceptions, but frankly, I have my misgivings. You have to have experience of oppression and suffer violation to empathize with it, to be a proper counselor. Certainly the vast majority of trans online are pro-porn, pro-sex trafficking, pro trans-the-kids-just-in-case, pro-psychiatry and pro-gender identity. They have to be pro gender identity to get required permission slips from the gender gate keepers.

  7. plasticgirl says:

    transborg identified

    the reason tg and ts identify publicly sss such…

    is because deep down they know on their hearts that they are fakes.

    case and point, your honor:

    “Why we do this” transition essay challenge

    almost knowone took my ontological essay test, and that is because they are robots.

  8. plasticgirl says:

    when you guys attacked me, you activated my reaper protocol.

    you have forgotten the ancient ways and magicks

    like equinox and blood magicks

    and sacrifices.

    you do not belong in the womens restrooms or shelters because you are men. i see through the lie of your identity assertion. you look, act, sound, and smell like men. you have malevibe and you dont even get why. you bully women over this…and i despise bullies.

    thats why i donated blood.

    work it out. 😉

  9. stchauvinism says:

    Reblogged this on Stop Trans Chauvinism.

  10. slightly terfy says:

    “my pussy just as pink as any genetic woman” is literally all you will ever need to hear to know that trans women are not meaningfully, or even at all, “the same” as real women lol

  11. plasticgirl says:

    permission rewquest:

    may i. take the glove(x-z) 0ff, plysszz?

    headstrong headstone hard one



  12. plasticgirl says:

    Calpernia darling,

    how could you?

    she sells seashells by the seashore.

    youve been tanking heat for that jrrkface. he gravitated to you for the same teason my ex orbited me.

    you are the real deal.

    gethimgone. getover-it. get some more lunatime and youll be just fine.

    and SuzC. it takes ubelievable guts to pioneer for experimental surgry. think about it.

    im probably not the mist powrrrful aunt-et out thea. but im longer lived than most. in weakness there isvstrenght.

  13. plasticgirl says:

    you know, not a single trans from the face of Public Trans ever tried to contact me behind the scenes for a respectful discussion about trans identity and politics. if it were up to me, transition medicine should be off-limits to most. clearly, once even the younger trannies transition, they become twanzgenderz.

    i have never encountered an admitted radical feminist transwoman since i started blogging in 2011. Not one trans radfem has contacted me behind the scenes to offer support.

    what does that tell you about trans medicine? its creating a third social class. transpeople.


  14. plasticgirl says:

    incidentally, my own brther admitted to me, “if you persist, you will experience a repeat of last summers “meltdown”.

    my evilant was in on it.

    as was my ex the shemaleprnwanker

  15. plasticgirl says:

    bu baiii losaz…

    be sure to take plenty of halldoll and ssris for your failure to figure yourself out first. thats called rolling the dice to see if you become a columbinekillertype. perfect way to actualize your transition.

    really, was becoming a tranny your goal for transition?

    was becoming a woman who is hooked on ssris like justevelyn’s daughter, part of your transition dream that you nursed in the secret corners of your mind?

    what does that tell you, btw, that in less than six months on estrogen (without progesterone!) justevelyns daughter went on antidepressants?

    umm. wtf dear. moodynessvis part of the experience for many of us. i just accepted my emotions. they make me feeeel more like an orgo than a robo. you know? see my post on pretransition mental health.

  16. plasticgirl says:

    for evil auntie, both of themary

    when you wake up, its back. in the saddle. again.

    little miss harry potter christain

  17. plasticgirl says:

    you know what, im changed. a year ago, I was totally a live-and-let-live person. until, as I extended my plasmafiberstrands out onto the web, I discovered the thirstsextransempireofFAKE had not just chewed over my complaints and criticisms and tried to better themselves.


    you guys put a bounty on me, like MRAs do to outspoken feminists, meaning, im a guuurrrrl. and you’re rapeapes. that simple. and now that i have taken the gloves off and measured and analisa your minds, your hearts, your psychology, and your spiritual development, (or distinct lack of), I can safely say, that I am absolutely happy to be your tormenter. You all schrondingered on the plastic girl with the mean mouth, just like dudes. Ask me sometime, how I knew you’d all for it. Then once you knew me, you didn’t have any compassion for me at all. No sensitivity. No sisterhood. Nothing but hate. And, so, I like your pain. I like your suffering. It heals me. It makes feel really good inside, to know that I can psychically torture you without even seeing you. And what up-and-coming “transkid” would ever want to be part of Club Trans, which consists of dudley doods in drag and dressups demanding that every man and woman gaslight themselves into seeing “woman”, or “female” even though: you look like alice cooper or twizted tranzistr. you walk like a fraking conquering robot! almost none of you bother with voice. and more than any of that, your highresistance, highanger, highlydefensive “transmisogyny vs cisprivilege” BWAAAA!!!!! stems from the fact that you were stoopid enough to take hormones, follow the HBS timetable, get your penis inverted, and then become a twitter hater, a radfem hater, a Janice Raymond hater. Guess what? The fact that I get Janice Raymond, and her words make total sense to me, and not to any of you trannies, means, guess who got enough socialized submission training and oppression to understand – and guess who did not! Almost all of you, failed to transition and acquire the lived databank of girlexperience, to see that Janice, Sheila, Mary Daly, Andrea Dworkin and others, make TOTAL SENSE… IF YOU”RE A GIRLWOMANFEMALE. So, because I could be working on my Platinum Solo Achievement with my Asari Huntress, or playing Assassin’s Creed, or Civilization, in the safety of my home, instead of, this, I like your misery! I like your failtransitions! I like the fact that I identify as female, and you identify as trans. It means I transitioned. The rest of you were too stupid and unpassable, and far too maabtastic,(azzin rapeapementality) to have ever taken an estrogen pill, in the first place.

  18. Pingback: world of witchcraft | my military victory over transgenders | Plastic Girl

  19. plasticgirl says:

    i want to duplicate this comment for the global and historical record…


    last summer, my bepenised nonop transgender husband, testified before a judge in a packed civil court with male and female lawyers, and clients all around us that:

    1. i was too emotional these days and my overemotionality started around march 2014 and got progressively worse, leading to him asking a judge to remove me from our household until i had sought help with my overemotionality. it wouldnt be up to the judge or my therapist/psychiatrist that my emotions were sufficiently stable. no. it would up to my spouse to determine i was properly emotionparameter controlled by seeing my new need for, and asking for, and taking, emotion-blunting drugs to help me get normal again.


    i had been taking progesterone again.

    he took it once during the early days of his transition and then never again because of how bad it fucked with his mind

    i have loved progesterone since my first injection!

    i love all the little changes in my body!


    if trannies are going to invade FAB LOCKER ROOMS AND RESTROOMS dont you assholes think, you know, maaaayyybwee you should have SOME KIND OF CLUE ABOUT FAB BODIES, FAB HORMONES, FAB LIFE OKAY?

    when women around me start menses-ing up, i join them in a sisterhoodofelevatedprogesterone

    helps me feel shared female mystery and sisterhood you stupid clueless, self-deluding robotic rapeape sperglords!

    • xmas says:

      I lovelovelove prog and its deeply evil that most doctors will not prescribe it bc they think this important female hormone Doesnt Do Anything. Lmao. Ive seen the gradient in someones hair where it went from brown to black after they started taking it in high doses.

      • plasticgirl says:

        there is study or two floating around that showed progesterone has a protective effect on womens brains and hearts – allowing women to recover faster and more completely from strokes and the way femalehormone saturated brains process and store functions and memory. but also mitigates heart attacks somewhat by making them milder during the event and less chance of outright dying with shorter recovery times.

        guy hormones, guy livesstyles, guyachieverforce mentality, guyrage and their higher inner energy resistance which man-ifests in guytensionenergy (which im sure lisa vogel would call “male vibe” wafting off of transwomen), is less healthy for them physically and emotionally.

        the hormones are magick

  20. Sophie Jameson says:

    I wasn’t even that interested in trans gender issues when I stumbled on your blog, but you have made me interested. I worry a bit about you. Back in the 1990s I used to have an online friend via the newsgroups. We spoke all the time. She became very obviously ill. She had bipolar. It’s really easy see that somethings when you’ve read a lot of someone’s writing. I don’t know what’s the diagnosis, but I pick up that you’re not well. Your posts veer from elegant, beautiful prose to a sort of word salad. Please take care of yourself,

    • plasticgirl says:

      i miss being wanted and suggled and having a good night sleep in my bed. i worry the humans wont fix their civ. in the final analysis, it wont matter what happens here. it is in death that we are truly tested.

  21. plasticgirl says:

    one (1) and three (3) is =..(?) what?

  22. plasticgirl says:

    Babylon5 fan fic. ready?

    Mr. Bester and Lyta have a daughter…


  23. sallieparker says:

    I was on prog (IM, either 10 or 20cc per month) for maybe ten years. Not sure when or how I came off it. But now you’ve got me curious, and I’m trying sublingual.

    Here is something which may or may not be up your street:

    When you look at radfem stuff (the seas I grew up in) it is very important to separate the wheat from the chaff. Some of them are just whining (because they didn’t have dicks, jeeziz!), but others are making sensible points. Anyway, “normal” PIV sex with men has long been regarded as a fearsome thing by many women. They don’t want it, and formerly put up with it only for survival.

    Personally, I like guys, and PIV *is* sex to me. But I can fully appreciate the horror that anyone else feels toward it.

come have your say