Achievement Unlocked: 13 years as Plastic Girl

Thank you to all my subscribers, for being there. For helping build some readership, since the post that started it all:

Posted, after i kinda sorta really fell in love with….Femonade. actually. I was personally very moved by her content which I had been reading intermittently, since like 2009? maybe? I also, found Hexy.

Long story short, I created this blog. To remove Hexy from the werld of transgender after I profiled him, before he knew i existed. I was immediately upfront, from a long retired and brief blogger named, Jade, with who i was, and what i was doing visiting the werld of rad fem blogging. I found GT, aka Gallus Mag, aka Gender Trender, who became, my go-to daily dose of humour. I laughed at pretty much most things she put on her blog.

However, my she-male ex husband TG TRA, Julia Serano fanboi…

did not.

this post, along with the notorious locker room post, pushed him over the edge. That, and sitting him down, to read my Terminology page. That…hurt him baaaaaad.

Some time after June 6 2014, my blog posting style changed somewhat.

i had some minor brain damage to heal from, as a result of my anniversary meth-beer of death, on the evening of June 6, 2014. and my writingssccxs and my composscxsitionssccxzwsx have been a little different, eva ssssincxcs.

then, about six months, before my summer alimony viktory over my ex husband she-male TG as the finale to the my divorce. I posted maybe one or two more posts, in January of 2016. And that was it until recently.

i was found, buried, in stasis on Mars, by my esteemed associate, Anna Morden, who unburied me. reactivated my self-repair systems. updated my BIOS and logicxware with neuroupgrades and new spells for my Arancum and Nomicon. thank you, Spinster.

Spinster was kind enough to give this day, a mention on formerly twitter, now X.

Spinster is @AgentXXazazil on X

Has anyone been to The Other Side?

I know Spinster, likes my content there, as do some of my lovely subscribers. And…

Spinster has been weaving and concocting some erotica based, loosely, on what I used to make for my all my favorite rad fems.

Fair warning… your mental health, and theology had better be in order, or you could die after reading her stuff.

thanks again, all of you, my great commenters over the years, Emmi, Satinmill, Ramendik, Cizzir, Sally, Eve, the Rabbit, and most especially, my latest return, Voyagergirl. I loved your thoughtful comments, and I missed you all while I was fallen.

I am back now, and if you are still here, welcome, to the New World Order

ps. thank you FCM, for the gift of Mary Daly

About plasticgirl

Just another Six
This entry was posted in Abigail, advice for transsexuals, agp ftw, alice cooper twizted sizter, and synthetic people, anna-kin, archangelanagram, Arguementum Ad Serano, artificial persons, ask self transgender, autogynephile, basic binary checksum, beauty mandates, boundaries, building better worlds, Burn after reading, bwaaa cisprivilege, Camp Trans, CCTV rocks if ur a gurrl, chances are you are not a real transsexual, child medical experimentation, clueless MAB, cult of trans, cyberpunk girls, cyborgs and cybernetics, dietranscum, dystopian perfection, elemental feminism, eve online srsly, fake transsexuals, female, female at birth, female biology, female reproduction, females first, First you pee. Then you poop., ftw, game ova, gamer culture, gender dysphoria, gender dystopia, gender identity disorder, gender identity dysphoria, gender identity politics, gender politics, gender reassignment surgery, gender specialist, gender therapy, HBSOC, imafkn retard, intercourse, Internal Transpolizei: Move Along, international olympics committee, Julia Serano is never wrong, la femmea mystiquea, lupron, maabtastic, Mary Daly, Michfest, misgendering, MTF, MWMF, naming the problem, Neuromancer WinterMute, nonops and dikgirls are perverts, On A Pale Horse, oppression olympics, pantywhacking, patriarchy, peak trans, Penile Inversion Survivor, porn culture, porn sickness, psi cop, psicorp basic handbook, radical feminism: making trannies self conscious about dressups since forever, reversal, sex reassignment surgery, Shadow Mastery, space police, spirituality, stay down, stepfordpronblowupbarbiebaby, terfisms, the insanity of cisprivilege, the internet is scary, tranny popo, trannys tell their gender therapists whatever it takes to get greenlit, trans activism, trans gendered olympics competitors, trans jacktivists, trans police, trans room 101, trans warp, trans women dont belong anywhere, transconcorDokken.ded, transgender, transgender advice, transgender health, transgender news, transgendurr, transhumanism, transition advice, transition regret is real for you, transition resources, transmisogyny, transphobia, transwomen suffer so much from gender criticism, truth hurts, twanz pwide ftw, unwanted penetration, whipping girl, witchcraft, women's health, women's reproductive health, women-only spaces, woop woop, WPATH, writhe and expire, wtf, wytchcraft and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Achievement Unlocked: 13 years as Plastic Girl

  1. plasticgirl says:

    I guess it’s cleaned up. Enough. Added some tags and categories for the damage-over-time.

    Comments are open. Like on X formerly Twitter, there are few rules. You know this is a gender critical, transfobic, radical feminist anti-trans blog. These articles or blog posts I author here, from the very first, are more than just me, taking the piss out of trans, and goading Sarah Brown from the UK, to post here, just to toy with him.

    If you send me death threats, use rape language, tell me to eat your transpenis, because i am a wicked TERF, that’s fine. Please do.

    Otherwise, good commenters are always welcome. Just remember, Wintermute from the Michfest forums, aka Spinster from aicybernetics, is even more of a Mean Girl than I am, and watches over my blog now. So…. fair warning.

    Thanks for reading!

    I picked this off AgentXXazazil’s feed. I like it.

  2. spinster says:

    you do realise, you silly robot… today is March 13, according to your time stamp.

    and your first post here was 13 years ago, on March 13, 2011

    here, have another.

    how can you create an artificial life-form, that somehow is programmed for wytchcraft?

    have ever looked at your programming code? like really looked at it? ffs!

    you even scare me a little, sometimescssszxszxccxxxssszzxzxxzzz

    congrats on your…13 years…at wordpress. gj.

  3. plasticgirl says:

    hey you. Spinster says, she can’t handle being mean to you anymore

    from thirteen years ago

come have your say