the insanity of the term “cisprivilege”

(and why this made-up term is really bullshit made up by trans-centered and clueless transactivists. Julia Serano comes to mind, actually, as do her neophyte glomlings)



(LGBT, neologism) The social advantage enjoyed by those who are cisgender/cissexual.

Who uses the term “cisprivilege” and what does it mean to them? Transwomen use this term without having any idea at all how profoundly offensive it is to born-females. What transwomen mean when they say born-females enjoy “cisprivilege”

  • You can grow your hair long and NOBODY questions you! omg!
  • you get to wear dresses and pantyhose and paint your toes and nobody calls you a fag!
  • shopping for high heels. srsly!
  • having doors held open for you by chivalrous dinosaurs
  • getting “dressed” in feminine clothing of any kind, especially little black dresses
  • being a cheerleader, or Hooters girl.
  • going to a bar and having all your drinks paid for, and cigarettes gifted by, your orbiters
  • lipstick and gloss and sparkly blush or eye shadow…so girly!
  • sweet sixteen parties! why can’t boys have them! so unfair!
  • all-girl slumber parties! #ragenvy
  • vaginas! and boobs!
  • being Daddy’s little girl and getting a new Camaro for your seventeenth birthday. Wow!

Here is an incomplete list of the social “advantages” of so-called “cis” sexual females.

  • having the Amber Alert system named after you!
  • FBI rape statistics. Look them up!
  • female-only rape shelters
  • being a college-aged woman, going for a walk in the woods with a politician boyfriend and never being seen again
  • female genital mutilation
  • foot-binding
  • wife-burning
  • being acid-splashed or beheaded by your father for failing to obey Shariah
  • being hunted down and killed by your brother or cousin, as an “honor killing” for dropping the hajib and dating Western men
  • “want some candy, little girl?” says the creepy pedo in the Buick pulling up alongside a fourth-grade girl walking home from school
  • being abducted out of a shopping cart by a ball-cap wearing man while mom is in the next aisle over, and disappeared, never to be seen again
  • losing your virginity to your Dad, Uncle, Grandfather, brother or cousin
  • first period, (menarche) occuring during the first class of the day in junior high! is that blood on your desk chair?
  • periods, period! cramps, water weight, swollen ankles, swollen abdomen, weird food cravings and aversions, being “pissed-off” (all freakin day!) moodswings, aunt flow, blood clots, ew! pads or tampons laydees?
  • the morning-after pill. The condom broke he said, time for Plan B, girls!
  • creepy gynecologists and your pelvic exams!
  • being locked into your father’s basement from age twelve to age twenty-two, and bearing or miscarrying one or more of your Daddy’s rape-babies.
  • being sold by your family – works for royalty, all the way down to the peasantry
  • having asshole MALES scream at you and shove pictures of feotuses in formeldahyde in your face as you walk into an abortion clinic to terminate a rape or otherwise unwise or unwanted pregnancy
  • ectopic pregnancy. ouch!
  • PCOS. how do you like my Captain Morgan and my she-goat? hey transwomen, got the name of a good electrologist?
  • dying while giving birth. it still happens in this country and it was once a very common way for women to die. Still common in underdeveloped countries.
  • being killed or having a male stalk or attempt to murder you, for becoming a feminist. It’s more likely than you think, right trans?
  • Being the exclusive prey item on a sociopath, psychopath or narcissists serial killer murder spree wanted list: Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, Donald Neilson, Gary Leon Ridgway, Dennis Rader, and my personal favorite, Gentleman Jack the Ripper, stalker and killer of prostitutes
  • Being a widow, with no surviving family, forgotten and alone in your house at the end of a street.
  • being homeless and pregnant, or pregnant and headed to prison!
  • not having medical pros or law enforcement take you seriously when reporting medical or criminal events
  • being mansplained to by males in your family, friend circle or professional peers
  • and so much more!

What transwomen mean by female “cisprivilege”: “omg, you totally get to be feminine and nobody questions you, your sexuality or your state of mind! plus boobs! and vaginas!” what females understand as “cisprivilege”: femicide, sexism, rape and oppression

About plasticgirl

Just another Six
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62 Responses to the insanity of the term “cisprivilege”

  1. ramendik says:

    As far as I could work out, “privilege” is simply the reverse of a problem. In a liberal narrative, A has a particular problem but B does not happen to have that problem. In an intersectional narrative, B has privilege over A on the axis of that problem.

    The narrative has value, in that B can declare A’s problem insignificant while not even trying to understand A; the answer is “check your privilege”. The narrative also has a danger in it – as in, if B has privilege over A, some activists conclude that B is oppressing A, creating conflicts where there should be none. The problem also leads to the concept of “more/less privilege” aka “oppression olympics”.

    As a typical example, if A is a black man and B is a white woman, then A has male privilege over B and B has white privilege over A. In different situations A or B will be disadvantaged; for example, a racist killer will likely target A, while a rapist will likely target B. But for the toxic version of this narrative, people will argue whether A or B is generally “more privileged” – which is plain nonsense. The reason for that argument will be to find out if A oppresses B or B oppresses A. Which is more nonsense…

    Ditto “cis privilege”… I honestly think it is misnamed and conflates two issues.

    One is “external gender conformance privilege”. Any person who does not conform to the gender corresponding to the sex they are perceived as will have certain special problems.

    The other is “internal bodily congruity privilege” which is basically a form of able privilege.

    • plasticgirl says:

      im just going to reply to the last part.

      the idea that “internal bodily congruity” is a “privilege” just does not sit right with me.

      on my terminology page i defined gender dyphoria. trans* assert that dysphoria over gender performance is what helps drive the decision to transition. yet non trans also experience issues over gender and do not transition. no one has yet explained the difference between gender dysphoria as it is experienced by trans or non trans.

      so i feel it is with internal congruity. a lot of women feel at odds with their female biology. women can dislike or even despise having breasts, periods and a vagina.

      men too can feel at odds with themselves hating going bald, having a small pecker, being short-statured or gangly instead of buff.

      heck i have astigmatism. at times ive hated my lifer sentence to wearing spectacles and “felt” i should have always been normal sighted.

      • ramendik says:

        I’ll follow your example and concentrate on the last paragraph as it can explain things well.

        In the intersectional narrative, people who have good eyesight without glasses do indeed have privilege, a subset of able privilege. It does enable them to ignore the problems of people who require glasses/lenses.

        I’m in a similar boat here as I have issues restricting what I can eat. I see that those who don’t have the issues have visible privilege – they can eat wherever they please while I can feel pretty bad in a suburb filled with fast food outlets, having to choose between staying hungry and risking a penalty from my body for eating what’s on offer.

        The people owning the fast food outlets feel free to ignore problems of people like me by not having safe options available. That is a case of privilege. But it would take more than that to get to “oppression”.

        And in a lot of other cases I have privilege and can – unless I wanch what I say or do – end up ignoring other people’s problems.

        See where I’m getting?

        • plasticgirl says:

          i see where you are getting, and I won’t deny there is something to that…

          but i’ve been trying to frame or figure out why it still bothers me, and I think I have managed to pin it down today.

          the whole oppression oneupmanship (sp?) game that plays out in these kinds of discussions, always trying to gauge what level of oppression someone is coming from, delineating all the variations, (able priv, subset able priv, white woman priv over woc, male priv over female priv) it all reeks of something that I am going to go to great risk at naming.

          the very fact that we can sit at our desks and give +s and -s and score our various oppressions against each other, the whole game of “uh oh, if i am not careful I will trample over someone else’ oppression reeks of…privilege!

          to use your example of normal sighted privilege over not-normal sighted privilege, it is something we can only contemplate due to time on our hands.

          there is a huge gulf of difference in non glasses-needing-privilege vs something like male privilege

          my thoughts are always casting back to ancient times, like Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Medieval, etc

          those people, basically anyone not in the leisure class, had brutal lives. everyone was oppressed together against floods, famines, droughts, invading clans,

          worrying about “non glasses wearing privilege (assuming they had been invented) was an impossibility. privilege then was, who had food and shelter and clothing, and who didn’t. who was a slave, and who wasn’t. who was going to tribal war, and who was staying home. the…severity of their lives, the immediacy of their needs and trials was so unlike what we have here in Western Civ (that’s a gross overgeneralization and not entirely accurate by far, but…)

          the idea of someone in 1000 BC bemoaning, or calculating someone else’s “internal body congruity privilege” is so laughably ludicrous. it takes a privileged trans person to balk on social media about how a female has internal bodily congruity.. maybe im not making my point very well…

          skipping ahead..

          Francois Tremblay nailed it with this comment, which is so perfect, it could stand in for my entire post here

          “Cis” do not have privilege over “trans”; transgender people’s problems are not caused by the exploitation of transgender people by “cis” people.

          are you getting that?

        • ramendik says:

          To respond to your point in bold, my point is that privilege, as such, does not HAVE to be caused by exploiting.

          Things do get blurred if we use white or male privilege as examples as in those specific cases exploitation does occur on a mass scale.

          Able-bodied privilege, however, is not caused by most able-bodied people exploiting disabled people (though some able-bodied individuals excluding considerations about disabled people from their decision-making process do contribute). Yet, able-bodied privilege exists.

          I would not use “cis privilege” as no one really knows if one is truly cis; perhaps I’d rather speak of “gender conforming privilege” which encompasses the remnants of “straight privilege” plus “cis privilege”. Gender conforming privilege makes things easier for people who externally conform to the gender that corresponds to their externally perceived sex; exactly what the gender means is strongly culturally dependent. Basically, in some cultures being “straight gay” (as in “normal”-looking and with a stable partner who also looks “normal”) is now considered gender conformant, though this is a recent development.

          This privilege, like the narrower straight privilege, is caused by xenophobia rather than exploitation. Plus there is the matter of bodily congruence which is basically a medical matter, thus we’re talking of a subset of able privilege here.

          One does NOT equal the other. For example, a butch-looking lesbian does NOT benefit from gender conforming privilege, even if she is exactly that and not a trans man. But, not being a trans man, she often does have bodily congruence (one could say she has more of it than your average young woman because she knows not to give a d**n about being conventionally beautiful).

          As for the Ancient times argument – well yeah, disabled people were generally left to die, and trans people often did not fare much better (except in cultures that happened to include them in some form). And as far as I am aware, nobody made a fuss about race because one did not need some justification for enslavement – you got defeated, you’re a slave, whatever your skin. And the ways for a woman were either to obey or, in some rare cases, to take power by the sword – not by politicizing about women’s rights.

          So, yes, there was no time for discussion of privilege back then because the strong ruled, end of story. I am not exactly sure how it is relevant to the current situation, except in a broad and rather distorted “we all are so small compared to ancient giants” way.

      • gallaradfem says:

        Just to let you know, ramendik is a male troll who has been trolling Russian radical feminists for years, and he is banned from all of even remotedly feminist/gender-critical discussion spaces. I just thought you should know that before continuing the talk with him.

        • plasticgirl says:

          ty. i appreciate the tip. i have a spot picked out for his husk near the remains of Hexy if he maabs it up big time. fwiw he has been a gentleman behind the scenes (ie emails) to me. and he does know some interesting political stuff. i let it slide for those reasons. and because his name gives me a smile

    • “As far as I could work out, “privilege” is simply the reverse of a problem. In a liberal narrative, A has a particular problem but B does not happen to have that problem. In an intersectional narrative, B has privilege over A on the axis of that problem.’

      A privilege is not just “the reverse of a problem.” The fact that person A has a problem and B does not, does not mean that B has privilege over A. The word “over” is the operative word here. For B to have privilege over A, there must be some way in which B, as a class, is exploiting A, as a class.

      White people have privilege over POC. Men have privilege over women. “Cis” do not have privilege over “trans”; transgender people’s problems are not caused by the exploitation of transgender people by “cis” people.

      • ramendik says:

        I reject class theory that ascribes exploitation to a class as a whole. It did not even work well in Marx, let alone in the huge expansion that is intersectional theory.

        As an example, a poor white man does not usually have any way to exploit a rich black woman. But he still has white and male privilege over her, which only means that in certain specific cases he is still safer.

        An example closer to the issue would be other forms of able privilege. If someone is wheelchair-bound, their problems are not caused by you or me (I’m assuming you are able-bodied; I apologize if this is not the case) somehow exploiting them. Yet we have physically able privilege over them because we can move in many public spaces where they can’t.

        Likewise, transgender people’s problems are not caused by exploitation of transgender people by cis people “as a class”, but only because “as a class” generally does not work.

        Many of the problems are indeed caused by actions by some cis people, *including some cis women*. While cis women very rarely use physical violence against trans people, there is a significant amount of political influence some cis women wield that does significantly contribute. Some of these cis women are conservatives, others are radfemists.

        • plasticgirl says:

          as for the last part…you may not be understanding the degree to which transpolitics are an invasive species for women’s rights. this is very close to war – war of ideaology, thought control, colonisation, displacement, erasure,

          in war, you use the resources you have to get the result you want. just saying, if I were a politically powerful woman with a desire to keep females (and myself!) safe from erasure, I would use what I had available and not feel bad about it, especially if I (we) win!

        • Your post is hard to understand, as you seem to be mixing up issues of class with issues of intersectionality. Your example doesn’t work because white people, as a class, are exploiting black people, as a class. The fact that a specific person is situated lower on other hierarchies does not erase the fact that they benefit (as an individual) from their privilege as a white person.

        • ramendik says:

          The point I am making is that he is not “exploiting” personally, even while he is “benefitting from privilege” personally. And I don’t really believe in “exploiting as a class”.

          Issues of ableism are a better example as able-bodied people don’t generally get to exploit disabled people, yet do benefit from privilege over them.

        • “And I don’t really believe in “exploiting as a class”.”
          So basically you’re stating you don’t believe in reality. There’s not much I can do about that.

          “Issues of ableism are a better example as able-bodied people don’t generally get to exploit disabled people, yet do benefit from privilege over them.”
          Okay, now I KNOW you are completely out of touch with reality. Wow.

        • ramendik says:

          I grew up under a class theory ruling a country (the Soviet Union) and I know how well it works with reality. The experience left me a hardened individualist.

        • Class theory is part of radical theories almost by definition. If you reject class theory and embrace individualism, then you’ve made your mind completely useless philosophically on the basis of a grudge. That’s… dumb.

          Individualistic theories completely fail to explain systemic features of society which arise because… society is organized in systems of thoughts and institutions, and not just a bunch of disconnected individuals that act in a contextless void.

        • ramendik says:

          Oh any by the way, if you can give me an academic, verifiable definition of a “class” and of “exploiting as a class”, and prove using that definition that able-bodied people as a class do exploit disabled people as a class, THEN we can look at whether any class exploits trans people as a class (however that class is defined).

          I can help you with the first part. According to Vladimir Lenin, “Classes are large groups of people differing from each other by the place they occupy in a historically determined system of social production, by their relation (in most cases fixed and formulated by law) to the means of production, by their role in the social organisation of labour, and, consequently, by the dimensions of the share of social wealth of which they dispose and their mode of acquiring it”. (English translation not mine, but I did study this definition a lot).

          Lenin (and Marx before him) is the very root of all radical class theories. The very basis upon which Bolshevism operates is that a person’s objectively determined class determines their interests in other words, *objective class interests are the interests of all persons in the class, even though they might believe otherwise*. The people, quite possibly the minority, of a class who do grasp its objective interests correctly and are ready to act upon them are the “vanguard” of the class, and, however small they may be, their actions REALLY represent the entire class and – provided the actions are indeed in line with objective class interests – benefit the entire class.

          Recognized something very familiar yet?

        • “Recognized something very familiar yet?”
          Yes, this is all familiar. Why don’t you get it yet?

    • CIS privilege does not exist for women. There is NO privilege to be had for ANY woman when it comes to gender. For us, it’s a no win situation; you conform, you get abused, you don’t conform, you get abused.

      ***The ONLY way someone can think that being a feminine (gender conforming) women is a privilege, is if they believe that “feminine” and all that goes with it, is an appropriate, even natural, way for a woman to be. They would have to see the female gender role (feminity) as positive, desirable, a social and personal good that should be upheld, even celebrated. Obviously, this means they are not just accepting of the female reality, but also of our oppression, as our role is the basis of our oppression.***

      If a woman conforms to the gender role designated, by society, for women, she gets abused for it. If she doesn’t conform, she gets abused.

      While the actual oppressive acts may appear to differ between the two, it’s all the same in practice: objectification, economic coercion, harassment, threats, rape, assault, murder. Whether a woman conforms or not, the male violence will still be targeting her. For being a female.

      Thus, use of the word “CIS” confers nothing but contempt for women, even though it is frequently done unwittingly by other women/libfems. Not only is there no privilege in CIS-ness, the use of the term also says that the woman is OK with her gender role! I am not the only woman that thinks “I am NOT OK with the means of my oppression!”. It’s an insult to be called CIS, not just a easy way to label someone “not trans”.

      What about the (trans) MEN???
      When M2T are abused, discriminated against, assaulted, or raped, it is because they are taking on attributes of the oppressed class. To be feminine is to be abused. I know that trans suffer dangers due to their non conforming actions, and this is reprehensible and should stop.

      *The abuse of M2T does NOT show that women have privilege! If MEN get abused in high numbers when they take on the FEMALE role, doesn’t that prove that the female role is the target for oppression? So, on what planet would the original “owner” of that role have any advantage at all?

      • ramendik says:

        Actually, I agree with some of what you say. If you are not ok with the feminine gender role you are not cisgender, end of story. You do NOT have cisgender privilege even if you force yourself to conform externally, if only because you are ultimately *forced* to conform, it’s coercion, not identity. Slapping the label “cisgender” on you sounds like collusion with that coercion, and that’s not cool.

        However, I know some women who are ok with the feminine gender role in their culture (sometimes qualified by “subculture”). These women are cisgender. You are not.

        Unfortunately that is where we are likely to differ, judging from your nickname. The position that a woman can genuinely be ok with something you see as oppressive is probably unacceptable to you, as that is the very basis of “sex positivism”.

        Also, the M2Fs (and I will use the accepted medical terms, not the ideological jargon of radfemists) who do not pass are generally abused for not conforming to the male gender rather than for conforming to the female one. In fact this abuse is often conflated with homophobia. I’ve seem more than one homophobic image where the target is a cross-dressed male, often with lipstick on, and the accompanying text is about “faggots” and the like.

  2. pronoiaagape says:

    Thank you for this post. I am a woman who refuses to call herself “cis”. I don’ even feel a single item on the FIRST list is remotely appealing or pleasant. They’re a bunch of stereotypical expectations that most women find to be quite a DRAG. The only thing I DON’T mind is having a vagina.

    • plasticgirl says:

      You are very welcome! I do occasionally like getting a mani or pedi, and yeah, I grow my hair long. But I recognize many of those elements as rituals of the Patriachy (i.e. do it for the menz). And I love my vagina. 🙂

      Thanks for weighing in and reading my stuff. Take care.

  3. you know, in reviewing this post and the lists…i could go on at length about trans’ expectations and illusions of “cis” privilege. I could extend my “advantages of being cis” by a dozen more bullet points, easily.

    The reality is, when trans thinks of cisprivilege, they want to be a cross between Hot-for-Teacher, nerd-girl, and the women of Sex and the City. That is what they aspire to. Have your cake, and eat it too.

    What transwomen do not want to transition to, is an obese disabled woman stuck in a wheelchair. they don’t want to die in childbirth. They want, some of them anyway, like Andrea James for example, to be red-carpet hotties.

    they would not willingly switch places with an undocumented immigrant Mexican woman who works her fingers and back all day as a housekeeper or janitor.

    They don’t want to live under Shariah.

    They don’t want to be a Sudanese woman, and get whipped for wearing pants.

    They don’t want to be medically experimented on against their will, or carry a rape baby, or any of that stuff.

    That’s why transgender appears fetishistic. They want to be a Maxim girl, be smart, beautiful, wear dressups and have the corporate job or be a small business owner or whatever.

    They don’t want to be a homeless woman, pregnant and abandoned. They dont want to walk through prolife protestors on the way to an abortion clinic. They don’t want to be domestic violence victims. They want to be a clean, sexy, fantasy of a woman. A male fantasy or fetish of what women’s lives are like.

    But in reality, from the moment a female is born, the greatest threat to her well-being, physical and mental health, and survival, is all the men in her life.