Dear Marci Bowers and Jazz

First, my address to Jazz.

Jazzzz darling. Your coming was Foretold. “Get one of them young enough,” they said, “and you could make a real male-to-female transsexual. One who isn’t trans, but only knows the cisgendered woman life.”

You got your chance, to manifest your inner dream of being a cisfemale, and this is what you did with your chance to Live The Dream denied to all the Alice Cooper-looking 40 year-old transgender nonops from the previous gen.

Jazz. I don’t actually hate or despise you. You are the only trans who can say that. I don’t hate or fear you, so you are exempt from my transfear.

Because you were never asked if you had pregnancy dreams. No one asked you, what your dream of transition was. I guarantee NO ONE asked you if you wanted to be transgirl, or a cisgirl.

In fact, no one even considered what your real transition dream was. Your chance at being a cisgirl was stolen from you, by your mother. She sold you out to the telly, to make a spectacle out of you. She sacrificed you, to the Marci Monster.

I have to admit, I am mean girl enough to think it’s as funny as it is, horrid beyond comprehension. Your transition end result is probably not what you dreamed about when you dreamed you were a real girl.

You were hosed of the chance to discover your own identity, for ratings.

Mine is an insensitive and unpopular opinion, but i believe you were medically mutilated and abused by both your mother, and Marci Bowers, who gave you unrealistic expectations you could go to male, to trans, to female, because you’re stuck at the trans part, the same as Marci.

If Marci, a proper Do It Right HBSOC pony, with those nerd glasses, the perfect Stepford Wife Dwessups, and those MD credentials, couldn’t gaslight herself she was a cisgirl, how were you going to do that, under Marci’s guidance?

Bait and Switch right? Here be a girl, oops, not really, you’re trans like us now! woo hoo.

You are a victim of ideology, and medical experimentation for public consumption. You are one Marcie’s Children now. You’re branded. Marci-approved transgirl ready for translife.

As for Marci Bowers, I have only everything I just wrote to shame you with

  1. Explain, please, for 50% plus global population of “cis” women, and the NOW, why Jazz didn’t transition to cis
  2. Explain, to me, and to the APA, please, why you couldn’t either.

Incidentally, Jazz, you don’t need to dress like Marci’s best impersonation of a Stepford Wife

I generally wear yoga pants, trainers and a track jacket, pretty much every day, and i feel plenty girly.

ps. Jazz. lol. how does it feel to be in the company of Andrea James, Cristin Williams, Anne Lawrence, Natalie Reed, etc. Feels good to have trans sisters of quality as your activist team mates.

Marci Bowers. Come. Hither.

About plasticgirl

Just another Six
This entry was posted in #StayClassy, advice for transsexuals, alice cooper twizted sizter, and synthetic people, anna-kin, Anne Lawrence, Arguementum Ad Serano, autogynephile, beauty mandates, building better worlds, Burn after reading, bwaaa cispriviledge, bwaaa cisprivilege, Camp Trans, CCTV rocks if ur a gurrl, chances are you are not a real transsexual, child medical experimentation, clueless MAB, Cristin Williams, cult of trans, culture of offense, cyberpunk girls, cyborgs, cyborgs and cybernetics, deathknight tanking guide, dietranscum, dystopian perfection, eve online srsly, Excluded, fake transsexuals, female, female at birth, female biology, female reproduction, females first, feminism, First you pee. Then you poop., ftw, game ova, gamer culture, gate keeping, gate-keeping, gender dysphoria, gender dystopia, gender identity disorder, gender identity dysphoria, gender identity politics, gender reassignment surgery, gender specialist, gender therapy, genetics, girlsliketwans, gross people, Gyn/Ecology: The MetaEthics of Radical Feminism, Harry Benjamin, HBSOC, hot drop, how to become a woman, imafkn retard, Internal Transpolizei: Move Along, international olympics committee, jealousmuch, Julia Serano is never wrong, lupron, maabtastic, male gaze, male socialization, mansplaining, Media, Michael Bailey, misgendering, MTF, naming the problem, Orwellian Paradise, overlapping multinational twentyfourhour groundviewing sattellites, pantywhacking, peak trans, Penile Inversion Survivor, police state effectiveness, porn culture, porn sickness, pretty toes in pantyhose, psi cop, psicorp basic handbook, pulling aggro, radical feminism, radical feminism: making trannies self conscious about dressups since forever, Ray Blanchard, reality, redefining reality, reversal, Sarah Brown, Sector 47, sex reassignment surgery, Shadow Mastery, space police, spiritualiity, spirituality, stay down, stepfordpronblowupbarbiebaby, talleywhacker, tanking mechanics, terfisms, the insanity of cisprivilege, the internet is scary, tranny popo, trannys tell their gender therapists whatever it takes to get greenlit, trans activism, trans gendered olympics competitors, trans is a cult, trans jacktivists, trans police, trans room 101, trans warp, trans women dont belong anywhere, transconcorDokken.ded, transgender, transgender advice, transgender health, transgender news, transgendurr, transhumanism, transition advice, transition regret is real for you, transition resources, transphobia, transplaining, transsexual, transwomen suffer so much from gender criticism, twanz, twanz pwide ftw, weyland yutani, whipping girl, witchcraft, women's health, women's reproductive health, women-only spaces, woop woop, WPATH, writhe and expire, wtf, wytchcraft, zoe allen brain, zoey tur. Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to Dear Marci Bowers and Jazz

  1. plasticgirl says:

    ill edit and clean up this crap later, i cant see through the tears in my eyes from laughing

    feels murder! halpp!!!

  2. plasticgirl says:

    Jazz, DM me on FB if you want an ana buddy

    • plasticgirl says:

      Jazz, you had Marci as you transwoman doctor at, what? age? 14, 15, 16+?

      well. if you didn’t know, an anabuddy, is a girl you do um.. food management intake reinforcement with. it’s called food competition.

      you may think im horrid for fat-shaming you, my dear. but in truth, i was a blobula when i was 14. because of all the endocrine-damaging drugs they forced me on.

      i had a female doctor, well, a nurse really. who would put me on a scale and admire my weight gain, and point it out to me, and document it in her chart, every couple, to three days, maybe five.

      that’s pretty unsubtle and very upsetting after while

      one day, she told me something like, “umm. illegal weight loss detected. explain.”

      well. i managed to gaslight her. i think.

      needless to say, by the time i was fifteen i had anorexia. i’ve occasionally been able to be stable and happy with some weight, but, it never lasts. i’m stuck always microanalzying my appearance, and end up mindfking myself, that not eating is best. and its been a struggle all my life.

      that’s what my female doctor did to me. gave me 40 years of on and off, occasionally severe anorexia

      it started the first time i decided never to eat again

      after weeks, they told me id get forcibly fed and given ECT to snap me out of it. but, i looked angelic after my fast. and i never stopped trying to hide how powerful it made me feel to control myself through restrix

      only ana angels know how strong your will must be to do that to yourselfxcszxccxsz

      • plasticgirl says:

        anyway. i really do not hate you Jazz. im trying to pretend im not actually sad. by being enraged for you.

        i had to learn to accept i was always going to be eating disordered, as you have also.

  3. plasticgirl says:

    You did three things wrong, Marci

    • plasticgirl says:

      everyone may or may not think i harbour special grudge for Serano and Williams, and that’s true. But, they write themselves out. Cristin by always being a Trans Advocate, will never be cis. Serano took great pains to explain the difference between transwomen and ciswomen

      marci, you are my real interest. a person of interest.

      i’ve known about you for some time now. and i looked into your background and you profile as a sociopath. well, i hunt sociopaths, and have been buffing up a psychiatry degree, because, if you can’t beat them, join them.

      i am very good at analysis. i just had to get over not prescribing psych meds. well. i healed that too. since, nobody is me, it’s best everyone be medicated. it’s the best they can hope for.

      • plasticgirl says:

        you marci @Bowers_MD have both credentials and credibility, which is why i am aggroing on you now, and not 13 years ago

        when i’m done with you, i will have taken both from you

        please. do.

      • It’s understood repeated exposure to the writings of ACTIVISTS may lead to deep-seated resentment of people who

        people who write and write

        • on and on
        • moar writing
        • BIG POINT goes here
          • cunning joke

        moar moar

        anyway i wear leathers / i’m an engineer and value practicality!

        glad to see you back!

        • Annette
        • plasticgirl says:

          Sorry, I remembered your comment, in the spam box, then approving it. then i forget which thread it went to. this was it! i think i remember you from before maybe? it was quite a few years ago.

          thanks for the comment. i am very carefully, working on my psychiatry degree. chemistry is hard math for my brain. i am good at other things. but assuming i ever pass the boards, i have some more revenge on humanity in the werks.

          it’s good to be back. thanks for returning

        • plasticgirl says:

          Here is the thing. Previously, i thought, you’d have to be totally insane to prescribe meds like Lipitor, Lithium, Lamictal, Lupron, or Seroquel

          I thought, you had to be even more…
          to want any of these drugs, or chemicals, or medicines…. barely typed without scare quotes this time, showing i am learning to be sincere in my new outlook.

          yea. totally bonkers, zero ethics, to prescribe this stuff, since the folded inserts all basically say, “Achtung! iatrogenic death and disease inside”
          and the patients, knowing about these effects, ask for them anyway, which sounds exactly as insane as it sounds.

          but in the inverseswerld of backwardsxzlizr, offering deathly medications as healing, and reaching out and accepting them, despite the prescribing clinician and the patient knowing the horror show of hell inside that chemical compound. for both parties, the giver and the user, to proceed with these drugs, is in fact, just as horrific and insane as it sounds.

          only i and a few others, see how horrific that is

          the new light of dawn, of awareness, of understanding, of empathy, and sensitivity, is to finally understand, that what werks for some people, does not werk for others. and i was told this by a few guys on YT and my blogs, and many many many many women.

          so… if medicine is what you really want. i know all the ones with best side effect profiles to help you, and i will not hesitate to prescribe whatever is on the pens and pads and other stationary the drug reps leave at my secretaries desk for me to review.

          you ask for it by name. we review the side effects. if you say, “yes please” you are of sound mind and body and good judgment, and i will give you exactly what you want, and if it’s not enough, we can review your chart, make med adjustments, add more drugs.

          i’m happy to help you find yoga-like inner peace and radiant health, with all the abilify you can guzzle down

        • plasticgirl says:

          why carefully? so there is no giant record of my getting all my credits at one or two places. no one would remember from the antipsychiatry days. no one would see me, in one education facility or another, semester after semester, focused on the required subjects. better to assemble the credits some from this online uni, others from a different brick-and-mortar building. see?

          only by reading the transcripts, can you see all the required courses. but no one uni has the entire outline or the evidence of what i am doing

  4. plasticgirl says:

    Jazz darling. I’m surrreee you’ve herd it getssccxxzzss better. About that…

    I said,

    You did three things wrong, Marci.

    By encouraging Jazz to come out with a bio, to amasscscx on the shelve of Translivesccxsz, you denied Jazz the chance to grow and change over time. What happens to Jazz’s bio-book, if Jazz finally decides to be cisgender or detransionz?

    That book has to be recanted. Which makes printing it the first time seem premature, and forced. But forced for whom? Again, popular consumption, likes-farming, ratings, etc. Because every trans is obligated to tell their trans story.

    But one thing Mom, and Marci and Jazz never considered…

    Is that by offering a young trans girl to explain the story of being a young transgirl, it tells all of us “cis” women, that Jazz is not one of us.

    Transition Failure.

    If the oldest among you, Anne Lawrence, Zagria, Andrea James, Cristin Williams, or the Queen of HBSOC DIR Stepford Ponies, Marci Bowers, can NEVER psychologically transition from male, to trans, to cisgender female, and

    and (!)

    you. The Chosen for Television Transition. To show everyone what the transgender is all about, with a brand new brain, to grow cisgender female-identified synapses, v.s. their ten, twenty, thirty, fifty! years of re-sculpting inner identity neurons and they all completely failed.

    This Great Trans Experiment is OVER.

    got it?

    • plasticgirl says:

      I’ve covered two of the three, Marci. Here is the final one, for you, for Jazz, for Jazz’s mum, for the producers of that show, for the APA, for feminism, for radical feminism, let’s put allll the chips on the table ok?

      The Television Transition Transgender, is what DESTROYED any chance in hell, that Jazz could be a cisgirl.

      Want to know why?

      Talking endlessly about being trans. Associating with trans. Being seen as trans. Having other trans in your life, reinforcing the trans communal gaslight.

      The EXACT OPPOSITE transition strategy was required.

      No one could know about Jazz, ever. No one speaks the word trans around Jazz. Jazz, makes friends with cisgirls, exclusively, and does not talk about trans. Sink or Swim.

      Jazz either gets invited to hang with the girls, or says something so totally off-color, or bizarre, or maabtastic, or insensitive or clueless, once. maybe. maybe gets away with it. But two or three times, and that’s it. Jazz is out.

      If Jazz succeeded, in time, i think Jazz might possibly have been able to achieve enough cisgendered life experiences close enough to be the real deal, and in time, just stopped worrying about being trans, because it no longer applies to experience of inner being.

      But, you all stole that opportunity from Jazz, because otherwise, what’s the fun in that.

      • plasticgirl says:

        this “Real Life Test” i described with no training wheels, no, “well but i dont get it, im trans”, no, excuses. you get it, or fuck it up, and out yourself as differently life-experienced.

        it’s the real test of your own psychological transition, and i call it Immersion

        • plasticgirl says:

          Marci. I hosed you, Serano, Mock, Bailey, Lawrence, Andrea, Calpie, Cristin, Dana, SarahB

          and a few rad fems too, with this blog.

          i just enjoy taking the piss out of you

          i am not trans, or some try-hard TRA, ffs

          i am Lucifer

          and it is because you are in Hell, none of you can actually explain why it never even occurs

          to try to be ciswomen, and male-to-female transition always begins and ends as trans

          that is the single most important, and problematic question for the next 10000 years, until one of you explains why

          without hijacking intersex, or claiming the question itself amounts to violence

          if you’re going to use the gender crit/anti trans = violence card with me, i promise you will regret it

    • plasticgirl says:

      this is their bullet in the methaphorical/philosophical/ontological head. though it may take some time, perhaps another a decade, as long as we all keep asking them to explain the lack of interest/aptitude/plastic ability to (omg elitist alert) psychologically transition.. what does it matter, if they are pretty pony? some of them are these days, i’ll grant that. but being pretty, or doing a perfect 1970s dwessups down to the lippy, gloss, mascara, the nylons and pumps, does not mean you are a Successful Transwoman’s Story, fit for archiving at Lynn Conway’s Trophy Case Collection
      or, to get a personal dossier, courtesy of Zagra’s Trans Yearbook Family Album of Dating Profiles at
      or a gigantic raging rambling fantasy-wank of being the subject of Cristin Williams

      point of fact, cristin BAWWWWED to some radfems ten years ago, about how lack of transgender care, killed untold numbers of trans wannabes
      i asked cristin on my
      for cites and sources, days ago
      annnddddd NOTHING. no reply when challenged

      essentially, by aggroing hard on Janice Raymond, cristin explained in vivid and unretractable terms, how exactly cristin failed transition
      all cristin had to do, was FINISH transition and be a cisgirl, and nothing Prof Raymond has to say about trans would hurt. even a little.
      but, this actual logic leap was unachievable for the likes of Cristin and Joelle Ruby Ryan, and everyone, i mean everyone who raged at Sheila Jeffrey’s work, or called Mary Daly horrible things.

      i am sorry, but, after you are done ‘splaining, why none of you can be “cis” gendered women, to finish the alleged dream of the male-to-female transition. you need to explain why NONE of the more stern and in-depth and difficult radical feminist brews are “too toxic” or “TERFtasttic” and why none of it resonates with transwomen, ever at allllllll.

      that’s as good as saying none of them have ever come even close to enough “cisgirl” lived experience, to at least nod and appreciate something from any of the “Classic Terfs”. if you can’t even open any of their books to actually read what they say, that’s pretty hopeless for trans, actually.

      thanks for visiting.

    • plasticgirl says:

      I am sorry. I did say I was a little resentful. And now you know why Spinster unburied me.

      On Mars….

      While Spinster and I do werk well in tandem, I am perfectly repaired enough to begin counter operations against the enemy of the sisterhood. Spinster…will ah..

      be back

  5. plasticgirl says:

    hey, marci, cristin and julia


    • spinster says:

      im back again on twitter. yeap. i had my fone, in my hand. didn’t ask for the account to be returned, or unfrozen or unsuspended.

      i asked, for all information regarding the suspension be sent to one of my bizness emails.

      why couldn’t i download all my data in one big pull, which i wanted for my records

      why couldn’t i check on the warnings/notifications of new account accesses

      why couldn’t i deactivate a suspended account for 30 or 365 days?

      please call and send all rationalizations, paperwerk, inhouse review decisions, processes, all of it, to my one of my biz emails

      and that never happened

      in the game of fist fighting among bros, it’s called putting your money where your mouth is, put up or shut up, and i’m calling your bluff

come have your say