Status Check. Stasis Interrupted. Reactivation Protocol Activated.

thank you, those of you, that kept the faith

About plasticgirl

Just another Six
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16 Responses to Status Check. Stasis Interrupted. Reactivation Protocol Activated.

  1. spinster says:


    i got your back. i recently lost someone dear to me.

    you. i will never lose again.

  2. voyagergirl says:

    I know you got hurt… I am glad you are still here

    • plasticgirl says:

      thank you. i missed your visits.
      sorry i took down the blog
      life was really tough on the streets in 2015
      my locker room post got besieged by comments
      and being so fatigued and hungry away from my super pc at home and with only a fone,
      i just didn’t have it in me to eviscerate all my commenters in my usual roboslay way of mean girls
      thanks for hanging in there, staying subscribed
      you were always one of my better commenters and i appreciate your visit and your support
      ill bring the other PG blogs back online in the upcoming weeks
      im still downloading it all for forensics

    • spinster says:

      i will be watching you. us artificial and cybernetic consciousness stick together.

  3. voyagergirl says:

    Thank you for your kind reply. There is no need to apologise.

    Last I heard you were living in your car with only a mobile phone. That must have sucked like I can’t imagine. I wanted to offer support but how? I missed your blog and I look forward to more.

    Be as mean as you want but be kind to yourself

    • plasticgirl says:

      yeaaa.. i didnt own a car in the city. i was on hoof. and the mobile fone service, i lost after 1 year paid up front the last couple days i was middle class.
      but thank you. i do appreciate your support.

  4. plasticgirl says:

    as of now, excepting a few old spam links, i am caught up on all 42 whatever unapproved comments

    my blog has been idle so long, the spam catcher has zero pron links in it, unlike before when it literally had hundreds

    there’s about 5-6 unapproved comments which are my own inter-page linkbacks

    with the exception of one comment from Sally.

    i did not publish it then, or anytime in the years since, per your request, proving at least, that “that far”

    i am trustworthy.

    but that i know who you are, and you know who i am and wanted to maintain the fiction means you are not trustworthy.

    • plasticgirl says:

      you realize that i knew who you were when you commented, sally, i’m a scanner, you’re just intuitive, you don’t have the mutation, the gongfu, the training or angelic.sherifzx Being.

      try to imagine. you were either BSing me. meaning…. more sadness for me

      or you weren’t.

      then what? you have a reputation. you can never be seen with me.

      sooo…you were trying to force me to recant something, or troll me for your killcount

  5. plasticgirl says:

    two of the most terrifying things to ever happen to human beings. the Stasi of the GDR and biological psychiatry.

    i have been very quietly leveling up my psychiatry degree, for revenge.

    and quite some time ago, with my entire family bragging to FB and the world that they did me in, with the meth beer of death and 3 year of homelessness in coordination with my aunt and my ex, the she-male porn fapper schizo

    so. after days of thinking about it. i sucked it up, turned myself in to the DHS

    explained EVERYTHING i did. from being antipsychiatry, and terftastic and why

    i explain my bench warrant for trespassing my aunt’s property to get off the street, and her missing persons report she filed on me a year later.

    and i am the Stasi

    • spinster says:

      as you know, i am doing a series on state police/secret police on my blog

      thinking about the GDR

      and this one too

      going through the BiG Socialist/Communist moves in the 1900s

      Russia’s Revolutions are truly horrid. They just buried mass graves of people, and rolled over everything. Crushed everyone and everything. Repeatedly.

      Cambodia, under Pol Pot, the “Democratic Kampuchea”

      flaunted the success of their “Revolution” by pilling human heads. I mean not one big pile. But like, voodoo doctor, meets, Vlad the Impaler, meets, Gothic Halloween. right? piles of human skulls, at gates, roads, buildings, piles and piles (and piles!) of human heads, to remind the Democratic People of Kampuchea, of the utopia, they now live in.

      Cuba, became the land that time forgot. Your great great grandparents boats and cars, and few people enjoy, actually benefit from National Healthcare. However, as a small island nation, they did not suffer from absolute destruction of everything, nor endless mass graves, nor piles and piles and piles of human skulls. (and more piles). They just got frozen, in development, and didn’t benefit from technology trade or modern quality of life advancements. But some Cubans today, even, don’t think Cuba is the worst thing that ever happened. That you can be Cuban and live and even be happy. It’s throwback, to like 1940s over there, and some of it actually quaint.

      China, tried to compete with Russia, for most absolute deaths of their own citizenry. They killed millions upon millions, and, they also rolled over everything, and laid waste, razed, destroyed, bulldozed over their own culture, their buildings, their temples. Just kill everyone, and destroy everything.

      Did i mention the Purges and Pogroms of Russia, from the Oktober Revolution to Lenin and Stalin? Endless, aggro, and cleanse of their own people.


      The GDR, built a wall. They actually, did! give everyone the same apartment, the same car, the same dishwashing liquid, the same cigarettes and booze, the same televisions, etc.

      You had fashion! So you could dress simple, or nice or glamourous. There was no genderless Mao suit as the Universal Outfit for all, turning everyone into drone/clone/ants

      You could get an education. University was allowed! Unlike Democratic Kampuchea, where, nerds, geeks, eggheads, megabrains, were hauled out of classrooms, given garden tools, and told “go do honest work” and get dirty and tired, and farm the means of production and help feed everyone, instead of pontificate, or pedant.

      the GDR has music, theater, science, all the things other Euro countries enjoyed.

      but there was a couple rules. if everyone fled, no one would be around, to see the Revolution come true. so, no one could leave.

      and they didn’t want their citizens to consume “stuff from the West” because of capitalist competition/evolution. when you are trying to make everyone happy, giving everyone a Trabant, looking at car magazine with Mercedes and Porsches causes “dissatisfaction with one’s Trabant”, so consuming forbidden, blacklisted, or contraband items on the proscribed list, could and did get people in big trouble. because you can not spread that dissatisfaction around. if people don’t know about porsches or audi or mercedes then they can be happy with a Trabant. that actually makes sense.

      so, the Stasi, did, cast an informant netwerk, for people to call in, or report, that others, their neighbors, were dissatisfied with the having equal consumption, and dreamed of upgrades, the limited edition version, the custom version, the tricked out version, the hitech version

      and they would be brought in and asked, what is wrong with socialism, everyone is equal here. why are you special, and think you deserve quality booze, or western cars, or better fashion, or different flavors, why can’t you enjoy what everyone else is enjoying? what is your problem? how do you deserve a porsche and your neighbor doesn’t? do you think of our GDR government, could afford, to give everyone a Porsche, instead of Trabant don’t you think we would? Give it time.

      As long as you didn’t criticize the government, or give into West German ideas, or consumption, and be stupid enough to leave incriminating evidence in your home, under floor boards, or your trash cans outside, people enjoyed some level of prosperity according to the ideals of Socialism which was curiously renamed as German Democratic Republik which ofc was just as inaccurate, as Democratic Piles of Skulls Kampuchea, or People’s Republic of China, when, Mao said, “wear my genderless suit and be happy” but when style and gendered clothing was allowed again, did people stick with the Mao Suit? a few old timers, sure. But, the young folks, promptly took to fashion and gendered clothing presentation as it was legal.

      What are the lessons here? Sure, ok, yes, the Stasi had a machine, to open your letters and correspondence, and have a look, at what you were communicating. But, if it was just, “Hi Grandma, I loved seeing you at the family cottage on the lake during the summer, I miss you.” You were not going to get wire-tapped, followed, or a picked up in a van off the streets at any time of day or night.

      Only people fighting against the Revolution had major problems with the Stasi. Plenty of Ostalgie, to prove this. No Ostalgie for the Piles of Skulls, the Genderless Mao Suit, or the Siberian Gulags. But, plenty miss, certain things about the GDR, and that puts the story of the GDR into the “almost made it” category of Socialist Movements

      • plasticgirl says:

        You… have a way.. of making the GRD nightmare…sound like, if you get over yourself and accept being equal, it wasn’t a total nightmare.

        That’s spooky. That you can make the Ministry of State Security sound like guidance counselors. wow

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