how transgender lost the war against women

after Christine Jorgenson, we should have really never heard about transsexuals, transsexuality, or transsexualism again. the reason being, is that, those born males with a neurological defect of feeling genitally mis-matched, found their cure. the cure was sexual reassignment surgery. you get your surgery, then mainstream as just another woman in the world. the end.

but that’s not what happened.

guides to transitioning began appearing in the 90s, authored by born-males who “identified” as transsexual. that means you failed transition. note: as of 2016, no born-female has ever authored an instructional website for born-males on transitioning to the opposite sex. i wonder why that is?

a social movement began on IRC chats, bulletin boards, and forums. slowly a population of transsexuals grew. the common theme is that they transitioned to become a transsexual forever.

initially, i had high hopes in a kind of scientific fantasy, that transsexuals would be beautiful. and i don’t mean, in a superficial Victoria’s Secret Model skin-deep + cosmetics + good lighting kind of beautiful. beautiful because of the spiritual and psychological work they did to blend seamlessly within female society.

those hopes crumbled, the longer i observed the transsexual movement. i found transsexuals to be revolting and awful to the core. deeply delusional to a member.

if they had just transitioned, and stayed stealth that would have been one thing, but they did not. they began calling themselves transgender, and these born-males began “activisiting”. and that’s when it became obvious they all had serious psychological problems.

first came the appropriation of “female” and the redefinition of female to include people with penises. this was created by fetishists who had no desire to get their penis pushed in surgically. the reason being, is they enjoyed jerking off to porn.

but it was when they took to commenting on social media that they screwed up. big time.

internet conversation stands in as a proxy of face-to-face convo, and it was clear that transgenders did not consider themselves to be real women.

the reason transgenders come out, is two-fold:

  1. to show off their transition
  2. to explain how they are not female

one huge problem, is transgenders counter-attack to criticism and disbelief. you see, if you don’t believe that the transgender you are interacting with is a real woman, you are labeled a bigot, a transphobe, an oppressor, and considered hateful.

that was a mistake.

but it is also not something to get upset about if you are called those labels.

i have come a full 180 degrees since i transitioned. i am the biggest bigot against transgenders. the biggest transphobe. the most critical, and I don’t have any hate in me, and i know what hate is. what i do have, is total disgust. i found transgenders to be revolting. i find them to have a host of mental issues, in addition to being permanently stuck as being transgender.

i am sickened, and enraged, at transwomen for their activism. and i don’t believe for a second they are “real women”. everything they do online, disgusts me.

as a group, i consider them all to be failed transsexuals.

now if you think you are female, and you are born male, do this: go to a mirror and look yourself in the eyes for an hour without moving. i promise you, your true self will appear after awhile. now you look at that reflection, and say to your reflection “i am female”.

you can’t do it with a straight face.

and now you know the truth. you are a man. and now you are stuck identifying as a transgender for the rest of your life.

the instant you call a born female “cis” and identify yourself as “trans” you utterly failed medical and psychological transition.

you dare call me a transphobe? what the fuck is a transphobe, if not someone who doesn’t believe you are a real woman? YOU DON”T EVEN IDENTIFY AS A WOMAN.

the biggest problem you face is perception!

you may not legislate or police other people’s perceptions of you.

it’s not enough that visually, you do not pass as a born female.

it’s not enough, that if we close our eyes and listen, you do not sound like a socialised woman.

you yourself do not perceive yourself as female or socialised woman, or you wouldn’t call yourself a transgender.

neat little psychological trap, eh?

it turns out that radical feminism versus trans activism was the final straw. a public female socialisation and psychological passing exam. and you all FAILED en masse!

rather than embrace radical feminism, transwomen were put off from it, or gave it a pass or worse, waged war on the internet against radical feminists.

because nothing about radical feminism resonates in the slightest with a born male.

we don’t even need to see you visually, or hear you speak, just the words you type online demonstrate that transition was a failure. and now there is an entire support group for men who fail to psychologically and medically pass as females, called “transgender”

and i despise you all

you can’t undo what you all did. TWBH, sueing VRR, going after OUTwear, desecrating Michfest, diecisscum, Lupron the gay kids who want to bend gender, noplatforming radfem workshops and conferences, supporting men in prison, especially those prisoners up for sex crimes against women, FFS, spreading lies about “trans is having a invitro birth defect that gives you a female brain” TOTAL BULLSHIT, using “Cis” vs “Trans”, leaching off the GLB movement, the fake intersex emergence stories (Chloe and Zoe) the stalking and abuse of transcritical authors like Michael Bailey, coining “Bindel”, the pro porn, the pro sex trafficking, the “penis is really a female sex organ” insanity. the coining of the term “cisprivilege” by a white academic who is alienated by female reproductive issues… sharing penile masturbation stories in a woman-only sex workshop.


if only you had kept your mouths shut, you wouldn’t have this internet history damning you all

if only you were smart enough and sensitive enough to be ashamed.

but you’re not sorry. and that is why i despise you.

you’ve all had an unannounced and impromptu female socialisation exam across the internet in the last ten years, and the comments, the articles, the meta-analysis of a cross-section of trans activism show that you absolutely do not believe you are real women.

the transition experiment is over. it was a total failure for 99% of bornmales who tried it. in the end, most came out as transgender because they could not even make themselves believe they were real women.

there is more to being a woman than you think. there is an essence or energy that none of you can reproduce. or to put it another way, you can’t get rid of your male energy. you have to live with what you did to yourself.

the mirror reflects light and energy. shine a lamp on a mirror, and you will see the light reflected. there is an expression that goes, “the eyes are the windows to the soul” and after awhile, the mirror will reflect not just your face and body, but your presence, your consciousness, your “soul” if you will.

that’s why i want you to go look in the mirror again. like. right now. gaze into your own eyes until you see what I am talking about.

how are we supposed to believe you are a woman, when you know for a fact that you aren’t one?

perception. you can “assert an identity” all you want, but if i don’t get the gurlvibe, i am not going to accept your identity assertion. no woman should be forced to agree that transwomen are real women. not when they use two different labels. trans for themselves, and cisgender for us. that means they know they are not us.

it’s over.



About plasticgirl

Just another Six
This entry was posted in advice for transsexuals, ask self transgender, chances are you are not a real transsexual, cult of trans, trans room 101, transgender, transgender advice, transgendurr, transition advice, transition regret is real for you, transphobia, transplaining, transsexual, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to how transgender lost the war against women

  1. plasticgirl says:

    of course we haven’t won the war completely in 2016. not yet. woman-only spaces are under continual attack from transgender activists.

    the entire reason is because transgenders don’t pass at all.

    but in time, people will wake up to what i already know about you

    until then, women’s spaces continue to be hammered at by men who don’t believe they are women at all

    one of these days, i may tell you about the transgender who de-transitioned for six months to be my boyfriend. and then after seeing how happy i was, re-transitioned.

    and that was the end of our relationship.

    that particular transwoman de-transitioned two more times and finally ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

    i found that older transwomen were perverts and predators.

    and then years later, i found that young transwomen were socialised on B/Chan

    transgenders love to point to one or two public early transitioners. and they are models.literally. they are fashion models. they point to them and say “Behold the Future of Trans!’

    if a young and passable transgender woman “comes out” as transgender, then transition was a failure for them too.


  2. plasticgirl says:

    and spare me the bwaaa!!! about:

    1. you have a female brain that makes you want to wear highheels
    2. you have a invitro genetic defect that makes you want to wear highheels
    3. if you dont get to wear higheels, you’ll kill yourself due to gender dysphoria

    i know that many many post-transition self-identified transgenders take anti-depressant medications and that none of you can handle progesterone

    which means what?

    someone should show the camera and audio capture from the Chonburi Hotel and you will see what i saw and heard

    a group of men, walking side to side like they all got off a long ride on a horse. they hung out as a group. none of them sounded like women. they all sported a giant array of telecommunications gadgets. most worked in computer-related fields. over half were obese.

    the reason they lurched around so bad, is that none of them were familiar with being hurt between the legs and trained themselves to walk gracefully in spite of the pain.

    a gang of obvious males wearing dresses, all into computers, all with the latest Iphones, all talking in doodly monotone, and most were seriously out of shape.

    its no wonder you guys end up taking SSRI meds after transition. transition didnt make you happy.

    so much for transition liberating you and curing your birth defect

    if you were really cured, you wouldnt identify as transgender…
    if transition really made you happy, why are you taking anti-depressants?

    coming out as transgender and admitting to taking SSRI medications is pretty obvious proof you made a major medical mistake

    and around and around we go on my psychology trap.

come have your say