Real Vagina Body Mod Now A Reality, Ovaries Next Please

An amazing new research project has grown real vaginas and noses for patients.

Vaginas and Noses Can Be Grown From Cells


It’s possible to grow new vaginas and noses for patients from their own cells, according to a recently released study in the respected medical journal The Lancet.

The vagina study noted that several disorders, including cancer and injury, can require reconstructive techniques.

It focused on four Mexican teenagers who were born with a rare disorder that meant they didn’t have vaginas and followed them over a three-year period.

Tissue the size of a postage stamp was taken from each of them and grown and molded in a laboratory.

The study concluded that the vaginas, made from the patients’ own cells, functioned normally.


Functional Vagina Grown From Donor Cells = Future-tech Sex Reassignment Surgery = Transhuman Body Mod


Tissue-engineered autologous vaginal organs in patients: a pilot cohort study

The BBC also reported on this:

Doctors Implant Lab Grown Vagina

Four women have had new vaginas grown in the laboratory and implanted by doctors in the US.

A tissue sample and a biodegradable scaffold were used to grow vaginas in the right size and shape for each woman as well as being a tissue match.

They all reported normal levels of “desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction” and painless intercourse.

Experts said the study, published in the Lancet, was the latest example of the power of regenerative medicine.

In each woman the vagina did not form properly while they were still inside their mother’s womb, a condition known as vaginal aplasia.

Current treatments can involve surgically creating a cavity, which is then lined with skin grafts or parts of the intestine.

Dr Anthony Atala, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest, told the BBC News website:

“Really for the first time we’ve created a whole organ that was never there to start with, it was a challenge.”

In the experiment, “A small tissue biopsy was taken from the poorly developed vulva and grown to create a large batch of cells in the laboratory.” If this were done for male-to-female patients, would it work the same way?

If they took a biopsy from our male genitals, would the cells start to grow into a penis, or could the cell culture be tricked into growing into a vagina? This is my biggest question, and I imagine the biggest hurdle for growing transwomen a vagina from their own donor materials.

I have to wonder if these scientists could grow me my own vagina from my cells. I also have to wonder if it would be possible to modify my artificially created vagina with this technology. A vagina grown from my own cells would be far superior to a vagina made from inverted penile and scrotal tissue. This advance has possibly come too late for me, but this is going to be the future of SRS, make no mistake about it. Sorry Dr. Suporn!

From my Transhumanism page, March 2011

While it is true that the surgeries are primitive and limited, now, I’ve dreamed of a future where part of reassignment surgery would be growing and installing a set of ovaries, tubes, a uterus, all the required reproductive works, out of my own stem cells. Maybe I was born, not in the wrong body or the wrong society, but the wrong age in human society and culture.

-Plastic Girl

In related news:

Ears and noses are being grown from stem cells in petri dishes in the UK. link

Tiny Stem Cell Livers Grown In Laboratory link 

Scientists Make Laboratory Grown Kidney link



About plasticgirl

Just another Six
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20 Responses to Real Vagina Body Mod Now A Reality, Ovaries Next Please

  1. I think the problem with why it would be hard to grow a cliteris out of a penis even if the tissue was biopsied was because those cells would have your XY Chromosome. As you know, each sex chromosome carries special instructions to tel the cells to divide into a certain shape. So what would have to be done is to extract penial, scrotal, testicular, and prostate tissues, genetically-modify them, and then mould or Three-D print them into the desired shape. The fallopian tubes and uterus have to come from other sources, which I’m not sure where they come from or what they are homologus to. Nanotechnology also works together with stem cells to manipulate atomic structures at the nano scale. This means reconstruction of sekeltal tissue, hip and pelvic bone reconstruction, facial reassignment, and even loss of height and the making your hands and feet smaller. I predict that this technology will hit the market at an expensive price of a hundred thousand dollars or more by twenty twenty, with prices getting cheaper as the technology becomes more wide-spread and accepted into the community.

    • plasticgirl says:

      You have really given this some thought! The idea of nanos plus 3d printing… imagine making ovaries with 3d printing…now there is a gorgeous use for that technology! I better start buying lottery tickets or learn to invest in the stock market.

      I am 100% positive I could handle a full female reproductive system. Even the troublesome aspects like PMS, etc…

      I wouldn’t mind the aesthetic of having smaller hands and feet, but I’d lose mechanical strength advantage.

      It would be a trade-off.

      I’d probably go for it. Probably.

      You’re probably right about the cost… you would have to be | – – – | this privileged to ride that ride… :/

      Thanks for commenting!

    • I think there may be a way to be immune to pre-post menstrual syndrome, though this is under investigation. There’s also new enhancements to be immune to morning sickness as well.

      • plasticgirl says:

        I am not sure I would want that immunity. A lot of women experience PMS as a burden. But I have read somewhere, that some few women don’t mind the experience, because it validates their female-ness. Because no male ever has PMS. It is a woman’s mystery. So, even if it was hard to endure, it would always remind me what I was.

        As for morning sickness, I could understand not wanting it. I would not want it gone. It’s a sign of the change to your body. It tells you, you’re pregnant.

        I am not sure I would “need” morning sickness to tell me. I have always sort of known internally, that I could be able to feel an egg drop, or that I would know the instant conception occurred.

        That’s just me. I wouldn’t judge a woman for wanting to avoid either PMS or morning sickness, though.

        • Tobysgirl says:

          Morning sickness is the result of B vitamin deficiency. My mother had no morning sickness with three children. PMS is probably a combination of nutritional deficiencies and stress. In many traditional societies, women spent time quietly before and during their periods. I don’t know why anyone would want to have PMS or morning sickness — it boggles my mind. Any woman who feels these validate her womanhood needs to get a life and begin to develop a sense of self.

        • plasticgirl says:

          I didn’t know.

          Thank you.

      • Hello, is your blog set in a different language? It look like it’s a combination of English and something else, like Latin.
        Anyhow, I recently came across some new research data. It involves two completely different, though somewhat related, things.
        The first one involves the study of virology, which would be used to change the chromosome structures in the human body.I’ll give you an example of what one of my friends were talking about.
        Each chromosome has many genes. A nucleotide is a guanine, cytosine, adenine, or thymine. a Base pair is a pair of two nucleotides together, like guanine and cytosine. A sequence of three base pairs, so a total of six nucleotides, is called a codon. This is because each codon codes for an amino acid. A gene is a series of codons, which together, make a protein. So a codon makes an amino acid, and a gene makes a protein.
        Here’s an interesting fact? Did you know that women have a more stable genewtic environment because they have two exact copies of the X chromosome? The reason for this is because if one chromosome failed to code for something that was important, the other one would probably notice it and code for it anyway. Not so in males, at least not all of the time. This might be a reason why males are more varied in their personality, and why many of them were famous mathematicians and great scientists.
        The second part of my research involves using an artificial uterus for human cloning, and either harvest its organs or do a head or brain transplant afterword.
        Also, artificial uteri could be used for women to terminate their pregnancies without ending the foetus’s life, that is, only if it can provide a viable environment for it to develop.
        I haven’t had time to blog as I was busy with other things, but I hope to get back at some point.

        • plasticgirl says:

          thank you for the informative post. i digested most of the genetic stuff i think. it was a good read.

          as for the blog, it turns out its multilingual.

          nice to see you again and thanks for visiting

    • plasticgirl says:

      my pelvis/hips didnt work normally for weeks after june 6 2014. i kept trying to walk in a straight line, and kept staggering off to the side or my legs wobbled like a baby foal newborn.. “how do these legs work, anyway?”

      now my hips feel just fine, and there is a pendulum in my step… been there since… July-ish?


      ❤ ❤ ❤

  2. I’m not sure what causes cramping, but it’s obviously something going on. While having a period is a good thing that shows you are just as authentic as everyone else, no one should have to suffer from PMS or morning sickness. Many people have tried to understand why it is of a burden, and now we are learning more about how it works. If there was a way for one to have their period without experiencing any form of discomfort. I do agree that women who feel that it is important to them to have PMS and morning sickness is just a way to prove to yourself that you can still bear. Alas, it’s not the case. You can still have all of that but you won’t have to sufer. The best naturopathic solutions can be found to ease someone, for example preventing spina Bifida.
    I also heard that pMS changes your hormones and neurotransmitters, along with any corresponding neuromodulators in the brain, so that your emotions are tweaked, even without the perception and or manipulation of language and sensation. There are natural ways of balancing emotions. I don’t thnk it’s necessary to stuff ourselves with antidepressants and valiants as they are drugs that can have long-term side effects.

  3. Tobysgirl says:

    I’d like to tell a story about a woman who only found validation through giving birth (her words: the only time she felt “powerful”). She had one child as a single mother then met an extremely damaged Vietnam vet, with whom she had another child. I believe she got pregnant again, but he put his foot (or something) down and bluntly said no more babies. He adopted her first child, then was left with both children to raise when she ABANDONED them. She now blames him for all their problems, as though being abandoned by one’s mother has no effect on children’s development. She is now in her fifties and uses her daughter emotionally and financially; her daughter gets back by treating her mother with contempt.

    Beware anyone who seeks validation through body processes, body manipulation, other people, etc. All too often, there may be an innocent party who is suffering.

  4. I’m not sure I’m getting this. I thought body processes and manipulation has to be that of a personal matter. I’m not sure how one would get validation, or wat this even means. Are you suggesting that by this story the mother’s first child was taken away from her, leaving her be with the second one that she and the vet had? This second child treats her with contempt, which is a secondary emotion from the six (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise). Still, I’m nto sure how this would want her to decide to get a new vagina, so I’m not seeing the relevance here.

    • Tobysgirl says:

      The relevance is regarding women who feel validated through having PMS, morning sickness, giving birth, etc. If you are so empty and hollow inside that this is what you need to give yourself “validation,” you are one sick cookie and one’s sick cookieness tends not to affect just oneself. This is the problem with the extreme individualism (which seems to equal extreme conformism) of consumer culture: What I do has no effect on anyone else, so it’s my choice!

      I did not say the mother’s first child was taken away from her; her partner adopted her son, then was left to raise him when she abandoned her son and the daughter she had with her partner.

  5. plasticgirl says:

    do you think if i asked my doctor about this, i could undergo this procedure?

    the one in the article

  6. plasticgirl says:

    as promised, I donated blood two nights ago. On concrete and on some nearby bushes.

  7. If they could regrow noses, surely they could regrow completely new limbs and other body parts. Have you heard of the Brava system? It is supposed to use tissue expansion to augment breasts without surgery. Anbother alternative to liposuction is cool sculpting. NOw I just need to find a way to plump lips naturally. Take a look at my recent post:

    • plasticgirl says:

      I gave your post a scan, it has that science-overload thing I like, plus a down-to-earth feel to your writing voice I like. My Internet time is hit or miss right now, but when I get rim ore downtime to read it again in detail, I may comment on it, if that’s fine with you. Great post.

  8. Pingback: From Transgender to Transhuman | Sensation Experience

  9. plasticgirl says:

    i know ive probably said this before but… i honestly never envisioned creating this blog back when i took my first estrogen…

come have your say